Stop Assaults
Brighton Women
We must advocate for more community social services to end the assaults.
Brighton Center and Oak Square Assaults
Instances of sexual assaults, indecent exposure, spiking drinks with roofies and being stalked when engaging in jogging or visiting a gym are a common theme around Oak Square over the spring of 2022. Alleged attacks have primarily occurred around the hill area just south of Oak Square in Brighton but have also happened around Washington St and at the square itself. The following streets have been mentioned by multiple victims: Breck Ave., Brayton Rd., Margo Rd., Kenrick St. and Glenley Terrace. The only common theme is the location but it seems to be happening at in the same location. Our goal is to create a safety movement led by members of the community. We are inspired by the belief that everyday people can shape and mold a society where everyone can live safely with progressive resources in place.

Boston Rape Crisis Center new director fears increase in assaults likely higher
Pepper Spray Safety.
In Plain English:
Massachusetts state laws for pepper spray & self defense products
The Basics:
Pepper spray IS LEGAL to use, carry or purchase within the state.
Human formula pepper spray, although allowed, cannot be legally shipped to a MA state address (many surrounding states do allow shipment though).
Animal sprays can be legally shipped, used and carried.
Personal alarms of all types are legal to ship/use/carry.
If over 18 years old, pepper spray does not require a FID card
Users cannot be convicted of a felony.
Users cannot be convicted of a misdemeanor requiring 2+ years of imprisonment.
Certain users who struggle with drug addiction or mental illness cannot use/carry/purchase pepper spray (see the law below).
Pepper spray can only be used for self defense purposes.
It is illegal for pepper spray designed for use against humans to be mailed to Massachusetts, but it may be lawfully carried by private citizens.
In 2014, the Massachusetts state legislature voted to remove the FID requirement in order to purchase, possess and use pepper spray for self-defense. That said, even though you can purchase, possess and use pepper spray without an FID card, Massachusetts is one of the few states that does not allow mace or any other type of defense spray to be sent in through the mail directly to a consumer. No one other than an authorized dealer may receive any type of defense spray via the postal service. Nearby states, such as New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine and Connecticut do permit sprays that are used for personal protection to be shipped, so those who have addresses just outside MA may purchase defense spray products online.
Only a licensed firearm dealer has the authorization to sell self-defense sprays in Massachusetts, and most do keep them in stock. Once you know where to buy them, there are a few other rules to keep in mind. There is only one acceptable use for pepper spray, and that is for the self defense of any individual who is being assaulted or threatened by an assailant. It is against the law to spray a person or animal unless your safety or the safety of someone you are with is in jeopardy. Animal pepper spray is also legal in MA, but state regulations prohibit using them for any other reason than to guard yourself against an attack. When many people think of the state, they may most often bring to mind a large city such as Boston, but there are many outdoor areas where an attack from a wild animal might occur. The powerful ingredients in these sprays will incapacitate them for a short time and give you the opportunity to get away safely.